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How to create special HR rules for exporting timesheets to my payroll provider?

Shyfter offers you the ability to create your own rules and integrate them into the timesheets file.

How does it work?

Go to your account settings ⚙️ → HR → HR Rules and click on "Add a rule".

Add a rule

After clicking the "Add a rule" button, a banner appears on the right side of your screen:

Define the rule fields

Several fields need to be defined:


Select the service code that will be included in the timesheets, this code is the SSA (SecSoc) code

Example: The 0124 which is the code for night hours

Type of service

Does the rule apply to scheduled hours, clocked hours, or both types? Based on your choice, select one of the following options:

Scheduled: Hours included in the planning shifts

Clocked: Hours included in the clock-ins

All services, the rule applies to both scheduled and clocked hours

User statuses

You must define here which statuses will be impacted by the rule. In the dropdown list, you will find the status profiles defined in your settings.

If the rule applies to all types of workers, choose [All statuses].

The rule can apply to multiple different statuses. In this case, perform a multi-selection. In the example below, employees and students are included:

Start time and End time

Here, define the time range for which the rule in question applies. In the example below, the rule is chosen to apply between midnight and 5:00 AM:

If you wish to apply the rule without a time condition, you must set the start time to 00:00 and the end time to 24:00


By default, the rule will apply to all days of the week. If you do not want this rule to apply on weekends, for example, make sure to remove Saturdays and Sundays by clicking on the cross as shown below:

Working time regime: (optional)

By default, this option is not activated. If you want to create a rule based on the working time regime, you will first need to define, for each of your users, whether they are full-time or part-time. This information must be provided in the user's contractual data or when creating their contract via Shyfter.

Working time regime in the contractual data:

Or upon creating a contract:

Apply the code "if the total number of hours is"

This option allows you to set a rule in relation to contractual hours. You can set the rule to apply if the number of service hours is below [Below] or above [Above] the contractual hours.

Example: If I want to implement a flexibility rule, I can set a rule that applies a code for services below the hours indicated in my contract and another rule that applies a different code for hours above those indicated in my contract.

Display the rule

Finally, you need to define how the rule will be displayed. Three possible options:

Add a new code
​_“Add a code” means that the worked hours remain intact and the hours interpreted by the rule will be added to the timesheet._

​_Example: Antoine worked from 20:00 to 2:00 AM. If my rule states that night hours between 00:00 and 5:00 must be added, Antoine's timesheet will show one line of 6.00 hours worked and a second line of 2.00 night hours. The added code appears in blue to indicate that these hours are not included in the weekly total:_

Replace the base code
​_“Replace a base code” means that the worked hours will not be sent to a normal service code but to the one defined in the rule._

​_Example: Antoine worked 6 hours on a Sunday. If the rule states that hours worked on Sunday should appear under a different code in the timesheet, I choose [Replace the base code]. In the image below, Antoine works 6 hours on Saturday and 6 hours on Sunday. The hours on Saturday, not subject to a rule, are in the standard worked code. The hours on Sunday are in the code specified by the rule:_

Deduct from the base code
​_“Deduct a code” means that the worked hours will be reduced by the hours interpreted by the rule in the timesheet._

​_Example: Antoine worked from 20:00 to 2:00 AM. If my rule states that night hours between 00:00 and 5:00 must be deducted, Antoine’s timesheet will show one line of 4.00 hours worked and a second line of 2.00 night hours:_

Rule Properties

Certain properties can be applied to a rule:

Holiday If this box is checked, the rule will only apply on a known holiday in Shyfter:

Shift over 2 days (overlap) If the box is checked, this rule will apply if the service is performed over two days.
​_Example of applying this option: night hours are counted between 20:00 and 06:00 in the morning as long as my service goes past midnight._

Stop after this rule
If the box is checked, this rule will be the last interpreted and the following rules will not be taken into account.


Night hours deducted:

Holiday hours doubled:

Great flexibility applied to Manager and Shiftleader (two combined rules required):

Sunday services for extras declared under another service code and which stops other rules:

Updated on: 02/07/2024

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