How to create a status?
How to create a status?
Go to your account settings ⚙️ → General → User statuses.

Next, click on "New" at the top right to create a new status. Fill in the necessary fields. The hourly rate is not mandatory and _<\/i>please note that it will override the hourly rate indicated in the employee's file.
You will also find some settings there:
Calculation base for services: based on planned hours or based on timesheet data.
Export to social secretariat: this status will be included in the service exports.
Display the overtime counter: employees will have access to their overtime counter in the Shyfter Staff application.
Display the leave days counter: employees will have access to their leave days counters in the Shyfter Staff mobile application.
Do not forget to save!
How to assign a status?
Go to the same place, in your account settings ⚙️ → General → User statuses.
Click on the "**Assign**" button to open the complete list of users.
Select the employees who have this status. Once done, click on modify to save your changes.

Updated on: 17/09/2024
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