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How to enable and use automatic contracts?

First of all, you will have to create your contract templates on Shyfter in order to automate the creation of contracts for your employees.

How to save a contract template?

Once the contract templates are ready, follow these steps:

1. Enable the automatic contracts feature

Go to your account settings → Contracts → Settings. Select the option "Enable automatic contract generation" and then press "Save" at the bottom center of your screen.

2. Set up and enable automatic contracts for each employee

Go to the Team menu → Users → Select a user → Profile → Settings.

Scroll down to "Automation and Basic Data". Choose the type of contract for this worker. Don't forget to check the "automatic" option box at the end of the line.

3. Shift Publication = Contract Creation

With the next shift publication, contracts will automatically be created for these shifts for the users for whom you have followed these steps.

Shyfter creates the contracts at the following hour.

Example: If you publish your shifts at 1:42 PM, the contracts for those shifts will be generated at 2:00 PM. Similarly, if you publish your shifts at 2:01 PM, the contracts will be generated at 3:00 PM.

⚠️ When you enable automatic contracts, keep in mind that Shyfter will create contracts for the shifts published after this activation. For all future shifts that have already been published, Shyfter will not create contracts.

Updated on: 02/07/2024

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