Articles on: Documents menu

How to create a Dimona on Shyfter?

There are several ways to create a Dimona in Shyfter:

From schedule management

From the "Dimona Declarations" menu

From the "Dimona Verification" menu

From contract creation

Go to the Schedules menu → Schedule Management.

Red triangles may appear on certain shifts. This means that the employee is not in order with Dimona for this shift.

Right-click on the shift and select "Create a Dimona". Then complete the necessary information to finalize the creation of the Dimona for this employee, for this shift.

Go to the Documents menu → Dimona statements.

To create a new Dimona, click on the green button at the top right "New declaration". Fill in the required information and the period, then submit the declaration.

It is through this menu that you have the opportunity to create a Dimona for a long period.

Go to the Documents menu → Dimona Verification.

In this menu, you will find a list of all shifts that are not yet in order with Dimona. Select the shifts for which you would like to create Dimona entries and click on the green button at the top right "Send the Dimona".

Go to the Documents menu → New contract.

Select the user. If the user is eligible for Dimona, a small "Create Dimona" checkbox will appear on the right side. By checking this box, you create a Dimona based on the employment contract.

Updated on: 27/06/2024

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