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How to add a new user ?
There are 4 ways to add users to your Shyfter account: 1. The registration form - if enabled: The registration form link - which is unique - is available in Settings under the Registration Form tab. Recipients of the registration form can fill in their personal information. The users are listed under users pending validation in the Team menu and must be validated by the account administrator. Once validated, these users will be added to the list of users. (https://storage.crispSome readersHow to change a user's password or pin code?
As an account administrator, you have the option to change the password or pin code of your collaborators. Reminder: The password is used by your collaborators to log in to their Shyfter Staff application on their smartphone. The pin code is used by your collaborators to clock in on the Shyfter POS application. Password Modification In principle, your collaborators can change their password themselves by clicking on "forgot password" when logging in to the Shyfter Staff applSome readersHow to use the hour balance?
What are hour balances? In addition to the overtime counter, we have added a monthly hour balance. The balance is a comparison between the clock-ins and, in case of absence of clock-in, the planning hours and the contractual norm over a period of one month. It is used to calculate flexibility. You have the choice between two types of calculation (called "Norm") based on theSome readersHow to set up absence counters?
How to set up these counters? You can choose to display counters in days or hours. To manage this, go to your account settings ⚙️ → HR → Settings → Display counters in... ⚠️ When you make this change (hours to days, for example), Shyfter will automatically adjust the counters for all your employees. This change does not happen in real-time; it will take a few minutes. Please note that the data entered in these counters will need to be updated manually. When you make a change in data or sFew readersWhere should I indicate the worker numbers of my employees?
To indicate the worker numbers (their number at the social secretariat) of your employees, go to the Team menu → Users → Profile → Contractual Data. Enter the social secretariat and the worker's number there. Don't forget to save! No worker number = No timesheet export The red triangle in the menu Reports → Timesheets will warn you when a worker's number is not provided. (https://storage.crFew readersHow to prevent a user from submitting their unavailability?
It is possible to decide, for each of your collaborators, whether they can submit their unavailability. Go to the Team menu → Users → Select the user → Profile → Settings. Scroll down to "additional information" and deselect the "Can submit their unavailability" option.Few readersHow to use absence counters?
Where are the absence counters located? These leave counters are located in your users' files. That is, in the Team menu → Users. Once in your user list, select a user to enter their file. You will then land on the "Dashboard" where their leave counters are located. Can't see the counters for this user? CheckFew readersHow to delete a user?
To delete a user, go to "Team" → "Users". Select the user you want to disable. Go to the "Profile" tab and click on the "Disable" icon. Please note that once deactivated, to find this user you will need to go to: Settings of your account ⚙️ → ‘General’ → ‘Deactivated users’. Although you will no longer be able to schedule this user, their data will still be available to you. You will need to permanFew readersHow to export your team members list?
Navigate to the Team menu → Users. In the upper left corner of the "Create a user" button, you will find a small icon with a downward arrow. Click on it and wait for the file to load. This will be available in the notification bell.Few readersWhere can I find my employees' pin codes?
The pin code is a 4-digit code required to log into the Shyfter POS application, usually used on a tablet. This pin code is available in the user's profile. Go to the Team menu → Users. Select the user in question and then go to the Profile tab → Profile Data. On the right side of your screen, under the black circle or the profile photo, you will find the pin code for this user.Few readersHow to enable the registration form?
Go to your account settings ⚙️ → General → Registration form. Then copy the link and send it to your (potential) collaborators. How to handle users pending validation? When your collaborators have filled out the form, you need to validate their registration. Go to the Team menu → Users pending validation. ( readersHow to enable alerts for clock-in, Dimona, contracts, etc. ?
Go to the Team menu → Users → Search for the profile for which you want to activate alerts and click on it → Profile → Settings. Scroll down to "Alerts and notifications" and enable the necessary options. ⚠️ Email notifications and in-app notifications must be enabled in the profile for this to work.Few readersHow to set up and use overtime counters?
You can automatically count the recovery hours of your workers. It regularly happens that employees work overtime. Shyfter gives you the ability to automatically calculate how many recovery hours remain for each of your employees. Several actions must be taken beforehand to use this feature. A. Number of hours per week First, you need to tell Shyfter the maximum number of hours your worker needs to work per week. There are 2 ways to do this: By activating employmentFew readersUserPlanning Manager and HR ManagerAccount Administrator
On Shyfter, there are 4 levels of access: user, HR manager, planning manager, and account administrator. This access level allows the user to access the Shyfter Staff application. The user will be able to consult. The user does not have access to the Shyfter platform. These access levels provide limited access to the Shyfter platform. As an account administrator, you can choose - within the user's profile - what this person can or cannot do. Planning or HR managers do not have access to acFew readersHow do I send connection data to my users ?
1. Activate email notifications First, ensure that email notifications are enabled in your users' profiles. Go to the Team menu → Users. Select the user and go to Profile → Settings. Scroll to "Alerts and notifications" and enable email notifications. Send connection data Individually Then go to the Team menu → Users. Select the user and go to Profile → Profile Data. On the right, under the black ball or profile photo, click the ( readersHow to change a user’s status?
To change a user's status, go to the Team menu → Users → Select the concerned user → Profile → Contractual data. Select the user's status from the list. If the status you would like to assign is not in the list, you can create it in your account settings. How to create a user status?Few readersHow to change the email address of my employees?
You must go to the relevant employee's record by navigating to the Team → Users menu. Select an employee by clicking on them. Once in the employee's record, you must go to the Profile menu → Profile Data. In the "Profile DaFew readersHow to send login credentials to your employees?
1. Send the login credentials separately : Go to the Team menu → Users. Select the user and go to Profile → Profile details. On the right, under the black circle and profile picture, click on the "send info" icon. 2. Send the login credentials to multiple people at once : Go to the Team menu → Users. Click on the icon inFew readers